GANÉ Value Event Fund


The GANÉ Value Event Fund (until 2nd April 2024 GANÉ Global Balanced Fund) is since 23rd February 2024 a flexible balanced fund that invests worldwide. The fund’s approach combines the two investment styles of Value Investing and Event Orientation. For the advisory team, Value Investing means avoiding fundamental risks by purchasing companies with a high level of business quality, good management and attractive valuations. Event Orientation is intended to help reduce market price risks by increasing the value of investments through positive events. A cash-flow-oriented approach and the calculation of time-weighted returns make investments in shares and bonds comparable and correspondingly weighted. The prerequisite for this is a high degree of planning capability and security of cash flows. This means that the focus in the equity sector is on winning companies, and on financial stability for debt securities. Variable liquidity reserves allow the team to take advantage of investment opportunities that arise. The combination of Value and Event is intended to significantly reduce the risk profile compared to a pure equity investment and to achieve more stable performance.The objective in terms of yield and market price fluctuation is a beta to the stock market of 0.3 to 0.6.

The aim of the fund is to achieve continuous returns, so that investors can sleep soundly in all phases of the stock market. In keeping with the motto “We avoid stress”, the fund is intended to provide a solid basis for a flexible and balanced investment strategy over the long term.

The sub-fund is structured as a UCITS investment fund in accordance with §§ 162 to 213 KAGB.

The fund pursues an ESG strategy in accordance with Article 8 of Regulation (EU) 2019/2088 (Disclosure Regulation).

Enquiries: »«


Monthly Presentation
Share classes
Fund Manager of the Year 2024

Daily Report

Tranche A: Euro l Institutional l Accumulation
Tranche B: Euro l Institutional l Quarterly Distribution
Tranche C: Euro l Retail l Quarterly Distribution
Tranche D: Euro l Retail l Accumulation
Tranche E: Euro l Super-Institutional l Distribution
Tranche F: US-Dollar l Retail l Accumulation
Tranche M: Euro l Institutional l Distribution
Tranche X: Euro l TF Clean Share Class l Distribution
Tranche Y: Swiss Franc l TF Clean Share Class l Accumulation

Half-year Report

Half-year Report 2024

Annual Report

Annual Report 2024


VAG Report


»VAG-Report Tranche A«
»VAG-Report Tranche B«
»VAG-Report Tranche C«
»VAG-Report Tranche D«


»VAG-Report Tranche A«
»VAG-Report Tranche B«
»VAG-Report Tranche C«
»VAG-Report Tranche D«


»VAG-Report Tranche A«
»VAG-Report Tranche B«
»VAG-Report Tranche C«
»VAG-Report Tranche D«


