GANÉ Acatis Value Event Fonds

GANÉ Business Partner Fund


The GANÉ Business Partner Fund is a special fund in which the fund managers and entrepreneurs Dr. Uwe Rathausky and J. Henrik Muhle invest together with hand-picked partners from their top-class network. The exclusive group of investors includes renowned family offices, business families, pension funds and private banks.

The sub-fund is arranged as a special AIF with fixed investment conditions pursuant to Sections 284, 117 KAGB. The units may only be acquired and held by professional investors within the meaning of Section 1 (19 No. 32) KAGB and semi-professional investors within the meaning of Section 1 (19 No. 33) KAGB. An investment is only possible following receipt of the subscription certificate by the company. The number of investor places is limited. The minimum investment volume is 5 million euros.

The GANÉ Business Partner Fund has a high concentration of investments in a few choice companies. The selected companies receive long-term support as an active partner. As part of the allocation, regional investment focuses can be formed and unlisted securities and bonds can be additionally acquired. The fund is currently closed for new investments due to a large investment in top-up rights of former Linde Aktiengesellschaft. Interested parties can be added to a waiting list.

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15/09/2020: Private Banking Magazin